Photo Color Lab

Graphics & Images: The Distinctive Features

The Defitnition

Graphics refer to a graphic or graphical image consisting of a digital representation of information that does not include text such as photos, drawings, or charts.

Images are still pictures, digital images, or any visual information such as drawings, individual video frames, logos, photos, graphs, etc., having binary representation.


There are various types of colorful graphic designs and images used on web pages to communicate messages. Out of those varieties, the two most common formats are JPEG and GIF.

JPEG also pronounced as “Jay-Peg” compresses the pictures to decrease their file size, requiring less storage space. In JPEG file format, the basic feature is to balance the image quality and the file size. Digital Pictures are typically in JPEG file format.

GIF, usually pronounced as “Jiff” image, also follows compression techniques to reduce the size of a file. GIF format suits appropriate for images that contain few distinct colors. For instance, any logo of a company.

Sometimes, we can see that thumbnails display images on websites because graphics can be time-consuming to display. A thumbnail is generally a small form of a larger picture. As we click on the thumbnail, it will show as a larger image.


Still-images are also referred to as Images, whereas a digital image is nothing but visual information consisting of binary representation such as drawings, video frames, logos, pictures, graphs, etc. We can save images electronically in any kind of storage device at any time.

These days, digital cameras and mobile devices are very common gears for taking images. Image editing software enables us to use various types of texts or graphics, such as clip-art, effects, etc., to make images contentful and informative for business.

Sometimes, it is not very convenient in terms of time and resources to make the image meaningful within a limited timeframe. To save time and resources, we need to rely on experts. There are various image editing firms that are extensively engaged in editing photos for commercial and individual use.

Photo Color Lab (PCL) is one of the cutting-edge image editing agencies that offers a range of image editing services at a very reasonable budget with their highly-skilled image editing professionals in response to customers’ requirements.

To know more about services, visit Photo Color Lab’s website.

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