Photo Color Lab

Image editing: Human VS Robots

Today, image editing is a serious business that humankind enjoys due to the advancement of technology. Technology cannot operate some exceptional functions without humans because it cannot perform like humans. Automation is a technology-driven ability that can perform many activities. It is impossible to perform an artwork with automation because there is no human touch. It’s true that automation solves human error, but it’s also a fact that automation can make errors too by its own processes.

Let’s say about product photos, product photos can attract potential buyers and impress them with alluring images considering that level. If the quality of the images is poor, the consumers also doubt the quality of the products at the same time. Consequently, they change their mind to purchase the product. As a result, there’s a huge impact on the sales volume.

Let’s know about the advantages and disadvantages of automation in image processing.

Defining Automation & AI

Automation and AI are two different things, but these two terms are referred to simultaneously. Let’s define these two separately:


Automation emerges at the time of installation of systems and processes to operate from beginning to end on its own using technology. In the business field, automation takes place in every single department in an organization. This automates the functions of marketing, inventory management, human resources, production processes. This is applicable also in photography and image processing.


AI is elaborately known as “Artificial Intelligence” related to machine learning. Basically, AI involves a technology that imitates or substitutes human intelligence and is considerably more fruitful for accomplishing fundamental tasks and notions. Over time, this technology absorbs and develops to forecast inventories based on accumulated historical data. As a result, computers can learn more effectively based on information.

AI & Automation: The Differences

In the case of setting up both scenarios for AI and Automation, there is no alternative to Human involvement. Computers become independent through AI. You can automate the workflows and sequences manually based on the parameters. On the other hand, AI comprises machine learning with advanced data analysis and predictive modeling.

Now, why these discussions are relevant to photo editing? With the help of automation, you can reduce monotonously and time-consuming editing in the world of visual arts. For instance, you can edit a large batch of images with automation if you want to bring a white background to the image. If you think of detailed editing, you must consider the touch of an artist.

In product photography, AI also plays a significant role. There exist some web-based image processors that are entirely operated by computers.

Downsides Of Automation And AI

Getting your job done through computers is not always a blessing. As a matter of fact, you can ruin your product shots if you apply automation and AI to them. Ultimately, you need to do the entire thing manually for your work.

AI & Automation Can Limit YOUR image editing Ability

You can’t broaden the horizon of your action with the help of technology considering creativity. Furthermore, you cannot create ideas with the use of technology. Manual photo editing is a standard method compared to AI-powered tools. You cannot imagine with the help of technology, but you can perform tedious jobs repeatedly over and over. One can become limited to algorithms through automated or AI-powered tools.

It implies that you might not get the actual output, and it almost always requires manual tuning. In addition, the result could be below standard, and you have to start all over manually. As a result, that takes even more time than editing by human touch from the beginning.

You Can’t Practice Creativity

Automation or AI is so rigid that you cannot do things creatively, which may lead to taking the passion out of your work due to stiffness. Since AI cannot replace the activities of creative innovation, there is no alternative to manual work.

You Can’t Have Fundamental image Editing In Detail Works

With the help of AI & Automation, you cannot achieve a detailed outcome through an image editing process, whereas a manual intervention can do the work very progressively and successfully.

Advantages Of Automation And AI In Image Editing

There are certain circumstances where the advantage of automation and AI is meaningful to speed up the editing workflows. These are as follows:

Editing Large Batches Of Images

Events such as Product launches, the offer of new collections, seasonal changes, upcoming trade shows are such situations when a large batch of photos requires editing at the same time. Automation and AI can fulfill the requirement when there are many edits and intolerable deadlines.

Stay Within Budget

Technology-powered image editing is less expensive than manual editing if you want to control the cost of resources to accomplish the edits.

AI Can Do Simple Edits

AI is friendly as you want to accomplish your simple jobs. The less complicated your edit, the more likely it be AI-friendly.

Image Editing And Automation

AI and automation are two different things, but there might be some similarities between the two. Automation can make faster any work process. In image editing, one can do any job faster by using the actions and plugging of Photoshop. You can avoid any automation by outsourcing image editing tasks and getting the job done quicker. Some firms use automated technology to accomplish their jobs containing many mistakes for editing purposes. As a result, the sole purpose of outsourcing will not be fruitful in the first place. The main feature of an image editing firm is getting the job done by an artist’s hands.

AI And Image Editing

AI has its presence in the world of image editing, particularly in Digital Asset Management (DAM). With AI, you can automatically retrieve, manage, and organize your images by tagging and adding metadata to your images. In some contexts, you can extract product information based on the photos through the technology of advanced DAM.

To Sum Up

To compare between AI & automation powered image editing and Manual image editing, it all depends on the context. But most of the time, in terms of aesthetics, you need to rely on the human touch to get a good quality photograph. Sometimes, your product photos need a human touch.

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